We've got a reason why you babes need to stay loyal! Our loyalty scheme is hotten up your baskets and rewarding you shopping honeys with points aka moneyyyyy! So we thought we would introduce you and break the scheme down, so you can get earning points ASAP and use them towards your hitlist. In the words of Georgia Steel ‘I'm loyal’ so girls, stay loyal and earn while you buy...
If you haven't already then create an account honey! This is the first step to get you on your way and earning your points as soon as possible, sooner you create the sooner you earn babe.
If you've already got an account then you may have already been earning points and you didn't even know, uh huh honey even better!!
START SHOPPING!!!!! For every £1 you spend you receive 1 point this means you've earnt 10p from spending just £1. Every 10 points = 1 pound! So it's time to level up your wardrobe and shop till you drop honey because you're earning points while you shop, I mean what more could a girl want!
Your parcel is coming gal and so is your points! So try to be patient, we know you wanna get that new outfit on and hit the town, but honey it's coming your way! Your loyalty scheme points take 21 days to clear incase you need a refund or an exchange on your parcel, meaning your points aren't affected.
Spend those points babe! Once you've hit 10 points = £1 you can start to spend. The max amount of points you can use in a purchase is 50 points = £5. So babe get those rewards and update your drobe because these points are your new best friend.