If you don’t know much about Kourtney Kardashian then don’t worry babe, now is your chance to get to know! Not only is she a total style icon but she’s also super health conscious, loves being out in the open and is huge on encouraging others to make the most ethical choices possible. Which is why for Earth Day this year, we wanted to bring you the 411 on all of the Poosh queen’s life hacks on how you can live like a Kardashian and save the planet!
“Think about the items you use every day and how you can opt for a more sustainable option”
- Kourtney Kardashian
Ditch The Plastic Water Bottles
Did you know that less than a third of all plastic bottles in the UK are actually recycled? And that 8.3 million tonnes of plastic makes its way into the sea on a yearly basis, having a detrimental effect on it’s wild life and our planet’s ecosystem. Because of this, Kourtney Kardashian made the pledge to switch to reusable glass or boxed water, which can be recycled in a much more efficient way. And what’s best is that she’s since convinced her entire family to make the switch as well. Go Kourt!
Donate Your Old Clothes
Donating your old clothes is a great way to give your unwanted fits a new lease of life in a new home. Kourtney makes a conscious effort to give both her and her families unwanted clothes to people less fortunate than her. And with a wardrobe as amazing as hers, who wouldn’t want to be first in line!?
Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
I'm sure all know of plenty of beauty products that are about giving back to the planet, right? But did you know that the products you clean your house with can have a huge impact on our environment as well? Which is why Kourtney has switched out all of her old harmful cleaning products for eco-friendly ones. The key to this is doing your research babe. Make sure you take some time to find out about the products you intend to use, and check that they are actually sustainable. Not just pretending!
Use Biodegradable Garbage Bags
If you haven’t heard of the word biodegradable before, it basically means that it decomposes naturally over time. Using biodegradable bin bags is a big plus for the planet! It means that no matter what happens to your rubbish once you have disposed of it, it will break down over time. This means it will cause no long term harm to our environment unlike regular plastic bags, which can cause huge problems for our wild life’s natural habitat! You can buy biodegradable bin bags pretty much everywhere, you need just look out for it on their labels.
Now you're all clued up on how you can make some meaningful changes to your lifestyle, it’s time to take action. They might seem like small changes that couldn’t possibly make a difference, but guess again babe. We’re all in this together which means if we all take action now - our planet will love us for it! What changes will you make today to reduce your carbon footprint?